if beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, then…
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
You’ve probably heard that phrase more than you’ve thought about it, but what does it actually mean? On its face it should be clear and self-explanatory, not much thought necessary. But it is necessary. It’s important to know what words mean. what they can mean, or could mean. Isn’t that what it means to fully understand something? To understand it’s implications and potential?
Now, there’s only eight words in the phrase, but the most important are the first and last. What first one is, and what it says about the nature of the last. What beauty is, and what that says about the nature of its beholder.
Now, if beauty is defined by its quality then what is the nature of this quality? Beautiful is the highest quality there is, to be beautiful something must be within this highest state. Its most Devine state because beauty is what is Devine, and what is Devine is beautiful. Otherwise it would not have the power to bring pleasure to our senses.
If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, then to be beautiful is to be Devine. To be Devine is to be Love because:
Love is God, and God is Love.
Thus it must be…
The Devine is in the eyes of the beholder.
if that’s true
The beholder has the Devine within.
which means
The beholder sees with Devine Eyes.
The beholder sees through the Devine.
The beholder sees with the Devine.
The beholder sees that which is Devine.
so it is…
God is in the eyes of the beholder.
The beholder has God within.
The Beholder sees with God's Eyes.
The Beholder sees with God.
The Beholder sees that which is God.
The beholder sees what God sees.
If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, then the beholder has a holy different way of seeing things.
something for the road